
The cost and delivery time of your order are estimated online at the checkout. Different vendors will have different shipping options.
The estimation is performed according to the weight of items, their destination, and the postal service provider. Please note: some delivery services will not be available due to the size and weights of items.
If delivery isn't an option, you can always pickup your items direct from the vendor.


Pay the hire price at checkout, either using a bank deposit or credit card.
If the vendor has elected to use a contract, then you must sign the contract before proceeding. The contract stipulates what you're hiring, the hire period, and the bond amount if there is one.
After you've signed the contract, you may be required to pay a bond. This is held in escrow by P4H, not the vendor, ensuring cooperation between both parties.
When the items are returned in the same condition in which they arrived, the bond will be repaid in full.